Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Ive notice that when MSTRKRFT are interviewed, they do not bother putting on a fake smile. They don't pretend they are happy to be where they are, and never beat around the bush when answering questions. At first I kinda thought JFK and Al-P were grouchy dudes, but no, they are just really honest, and really direct.

Watch this very bad interviewer FAIL when asking them some questions. It gets to the point where JFK grabs her notes and asks himself the questions.



Ben Kuyper said...

Ssoooooo shitty.

They are so slick.

minimill said...

oh man
i love the "anything else you guys wanna talk about?"
"okay then"

Anonymous said...

That woman was more nervous that I am about having a crap in a public toilet.

How embarrassing for her :O I cringe